10 Jan Google is hungry for Cookies!
2024 – Change is in the air for many people and many businesses… including Google!
Google’s recent move to restrict third-party cookies in Chrome marks a significant shift in the digital advertising landscape. Starting January 4, 2024, Chrome has begun limiting third-party cookies by default for 1% of its users, with plans to extend this to all users by Q3 2024. While addressing privacy concerns, this change poses new challenges for businesses and advertisers.
Yikes, what does this all mean, though, and ‘should I be worried?’ I hear you say. The short answer is no… and while change can be stressful and scary, the adjustment will take time until we have all wrapped our heads around it. Like all new things, yeah…
As cookies are used all across digital marketing and online shopping for things such as ad targeting, conversion tracking and saving your online shopping cart, we will all need to prepare and possibly rejig our current digital marketing strategy. Especially as we expect Google will pass their final hurdle to block third-party cookies for everyone who uses Google Chrome by Q3 2024.
This change will similarly impact online advertising strategies, much like the Apple IOS14 changes a few years back.
How will it impact your online advertising strategy?
1. It will limit remarketing data used to target website visitors who viewed certain pages or items.
2. The new Privacy Sandbox (Google’s technology that aims to protect online privacy and give companies and developers tools) will group users into categories anonymously, limiting insights for businesses and marketers alike.
3. It will change how you gather insights about online customers and how they use your website.
So, what now?
Firstly, this is a great reminder to never rely on one channel for your business growth.
We recommend:
4. Invest in owned media such as your email list. It’s a direct connection to your audience that isn’t influenced by changes in social media platforms or cookies.
5. Get creative with collecting your data directly to build your email database. Offer your audience free informative downloads by submitting emails or offers, etc.
So, as Google’s cookie update rolls out, it’s an opportune moment to embrace this digital metamorphosis. Yes, the winds of change are gusting through online advertising. Still, they also bring a chance to innovate, connect more authentically with our audiences, and build marketing strategies that are effective and respectful of user privacy.
Remember, every challenge is an opportunity in disguise. So, let’s ride this wave of change together, adapting and evolving to thrive in a cookie-less future.
Contact us for guidance and solutions that align with the new digital advertising paradigm.