How Employer Branding Helps Recruitment & Retention

How Employer Branding Helps Recruitment & Retention

How Employer Branding Helps Recruitment & Retention

The messages and images you share about your business impact your branding and employee recruitment. Sharing what you are all about, who your team/talent is, and your workplace culture are messages potential new recruits are looking for. Strong branding can positively impact a potential recruit’s decision making. Whilst in the same way, lacklustre or a lack of branding can negatively impact it.

Branding for Bellarine businesses

When we talk about a business brand you need to recognise that we’re referring to more than the marketing side of branding. While things like logos, colours, and slogans are all important aspects of a brand, they aren’t part of your employer’s branding. 

An employer brand is your company’s reputation as a workplace from current and former employees. A recruitment study found that job seekers rank current employees as the most trusted source of information about a company. Think about it this way, if you try to tell me that your company is awesome to work for, it’s going to come across as a little biased. However, if one of your employees tells me your workplace is the bee’s knees, I’m more inclined to believe them.

Attract new employees

Whether you’re actively looking for new employees or not, having a strong employer brand is crucial in cementing your company as a good workplace. 

It might surprise you to know, 80% of employees have left a company specifically because of its culture! Now imagine how much employee turnover could be reduced if employer branding was invested in more. 

Company reviews

If one was to do a quick internet search on your business, what would the results say? A whopping 83% of employees/job seekers are likely to research company reviews and ratings prior to applying for a job. If you don’t already include positive testimonials on your website, we highly suggest taking the time to do so. (Reach out to our website wizards who are happy to assist if you need a hand). Don’t forget about your socials too. We live in a day and age where one can search for a brand online at the drop of a hat. Use this to your advantage by displaying snippets and behind the scenes on your social media of what working for your company is like. Furthermore, try to post professional photography or videography of your brand.

Competitive employer branding

We are currently experiencing the Great Resignation – a rise in voluntary resignations due to various trends caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This is another reason having a competitive employer brand is pivotal in the job market. If you want the positions in your company to remain filled, you need to show potential employees that you’re the better choice than your competitors. 

Tips for strong employee branding

So how can you ensure that you have a strong employee brand? Start by going back to basics. Define your employee value proposition – a.k.a the value your company provides to employees to stand out from the rest. Things to consider might include:

  • Flexibility – the number one consideration for most candidates right now. Money is still important, but having the flexibility to work from home, work alternative hours etc. is highly valued. 
  • Professional development opportunities – for new and existing employees sway the decision-making process for some applicants. Your current and future team members need to be motivated and inspired if you want them to stay/join. 
  • Salary awareness – new roles with higher salaries can cause issues for existing team members. Think about what adjustments might be needed, and what plans need to be in place.

Use Employer Branding for Hiring and Talent Retention

Companies with positive brands get twice as many applications as companies with negative brands. Plus, they spend less money on new employees since companies with bad reputations pay 10% more per hire! However, you don’t want your workplace to be one where people are keen to join but don’t want to stay. Just as it’s important to have a strong employer brand to get people in the door, it’s just as important to make sure they stay. Wrap your arms around your high performing team members to keep them – think about engaging, involving, and encouraging them.

Reach Out To Digital Marketing Agency in Ocean Grove For Help

We know how hard it can be to run your own business. Wearing the hats of a hundred different roles yet only having 24 hours a day is hard. Get in touch with our team of professionals, who are ready and raring to lend a helping hand. From developing your brand identity with a brand strategy session to professional photography that represents you and your business and employer brand, we can do it all!