Authentic Digital Marketing Using Video

authentic digital marketing

Authentic Digital Marketing Using Video

Local Geelong digital marketing agency Viewpoint Digital Media has a long-standing reputation for being one of the most authentic and trustworthy agencies.

“We believe that being 100% authentic is the key to success,” says company founder and CEO Dominique Ho. 

“People want to buy from brands that stand for something. And from brands that align to their own personal beliefs. Showcasing this is crucial if you want to win over your customers.”

Geelong digital marketing agency

Viewpoint Digital Media has helped many businesses in Geelong and along the Bellarine Peninsula connect with their customers.  Thankfully, social media has given us the ability to push effective messages to potential customers. 

Whether you need eye-catching images, creatively crafted content or a gorgeous new logo the VDM team can help. Or fuse all the attention-grabbing elements in one with a full-screen video!

Versatility of videography 

Video is one of the most versatile and effective tools a business can use. Video showcases everything from product demonstrations and how-tos to customer testimonials. Plus video is great for brand awareness, lead generation and recruitment.

Video consumption heavily influences buying decisions — here’s proof:

  •  Videos contribute to 82% of all online traffic
  •  The average person watches 100 minutes per day #yikes!
  •  Videos offer a 3x higher engagement rate than images.

If video isn’t part of your strategy, you’ve got some ground to make up. But that doesn’t mean it’s too late.

Videos as a marketing tool

What’s the secret ingredient to a great video? Authenticity. Even engaging, short, branded content is still less likely to engage customers to the same extent as raw and relatable. 

Today, people want to see behind the scenes — they want the real stuff.

“People appreciate when you’re genuine and transparent,” says Dominique.

“They can see through any BS, so it’s important that your messaging is on point and relevant.”

Digital marketing agency near Geelong

If you’re ready to jump on the video marketing bandwagon but not quite sure how Viewpoint Digital Media can help. From videography, and professional product photography including headshots to online advertising we do it all at our full-service Geelong digital marketing agency! Please contact our VDM team to find out how we can help you take your business to the next level with video.